28 January 1954

28 January 1954
Husband: Darryl Ackerman
Three children
Matric: Athlone Girls High
Matric: Athlone Girls High
BA (1975) University of Witwatersrand
LLB (1977) University of Witwatersrand
Professional History:
Admitted (April 1978) and practised as an advocate of the High Court of South Africa: 1978-2011
Senior Counsel status conferred: 1995
Acting Judge of Gauteng High Court of South Africa: 1995-2010
Appointed to the General Commercial Panel and Appeal Panel of the Arbitration Foundation of South Africa: 1996
Appointed as an arbitrator for commercial disputes: 1996 to 2011
Called to the Bar of England and Wales: 1999
Judge; Gauteng High Court: July 2011
Acting Judge, Supreme Court of Appeal: April – November 2019
Acting Judge, Supreme Court of Appeal: 1 June 2020 - 30 November 2020; 1 December 2020 - 31 March 2021; 1 October 2021 - 30 November 2021; 21 January 2022 - 31 March 2022; 1 June 2022 - 30 September 2022.
Judge; Supreme Court of Appeal: 1 December 2022.
Other Activities
Advocacy Skills Trainer for the General Council of the Bar SA and The Inns of Court, London UK: 1997
Served on the National Advocacy Training Committee of the GCB: 1997 to 2016
Chairperson of the National Advocacy Training Committee: 1999 to 2010
Advocacy Trainer for the the International Advocacy Training Institute (IATC). Taught advocacy skills in London, Oxford, Hong Kong, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and Ireland 1998 -present
Initiated and implemented the General Council of the Bar pupillage programme: 2003
Appointed to Exco of the Council of the Judicial Education Institute (SAJEI): 2009
Accredited Commercial Mediator by the Centre for Dispute Resolution (CEDR, UK): 2007
Short listed for appointment as the Public Protector of SA: 2016