Personal:  ponnan   

17 August 1960, Durban
Wife: Vinitha Jithoo
Two children



Matric:  Gandi Desai Secondary 

BA (Law) University of Durban, Westville
LLB University of Durban, Westville


Professional History:

Advocate, Durban Bar: 1985 – 2001

Commissioner, The Judge White (Formerly Browde) Commission – A Judicial Commission Established by the President in terms of s 236(6) of the Interim Constitution: 1995 – 1998
Deputy Chairperson, South Local Council, Greater Durban Metropolitan Area, Valuations Appeal Board: 1999 – 2000
Commissioner, Commission of Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA – Durban): 2000 – 2001
Acting Judge, Eastern Cape: 2000
Judge, Johannesburg: 2001
Judge of Appeal, Supreme Court of Appeal: November 2004


Publications, Awards, Honours and Other Activities:

Member of Council, Central University of Technology (Free State)