
01 March 1951, Johannesburg
Two children



Matric (1968) Marist Brothers, Inanda
BA (1972) University of Witwatersrand
LLB (1974) University of Witwatersrand


Professional History:

Admitted as an advocate: 1975
Became a member of the Johannesburg Bar: 1976
Served on the Bar Council for many years (approximately 12 years) and took silk: 2003
Admitted to practice in Lesotho 27 October 1980, Botswana 14 April 1992, Namibia 28 July 1995
Appointed Judge; South Gauteng High Court: 21 May 2007
Appointed Judge Electoral Court: 2017
Appointed as the judges’ representative to the board of trustees of Parmed on the 5th of May 2014 for a period of five (5) years ending May 2019
Passed the Board of Trustees for Medical: 22 March 2016
Served as Chairman of the Gauteng Local Division Salary Committee: 2016


Publications, Awards, Honours and Other Activities:

Trainer in education of legal practitioners and judges’: SAJEI, BLA and the Johannesburg Bar since 1996 – ongoing.
Trained by Council of Europe to train trainers who can teach Cybercrime to Judges’ and Magistrates’
13 - 17 July 2015.
Trained judges in Sri Lanka: 31 August 2016 - 2 September 2016